Certificate of Origin

Issue your Certificate of Origin in the best system in Brazil!


We are the best supplier of Brazilian Certification Systems for Non-Preferential and Preferential Certificates, using technologies with Artificial Intelligence for approvals and receipt of orders by cargoes being generated in an automatic way.

  • We integrate your system with our Issuer via API
  • Reports Customized to Your Needs
  • Validation of Certificates and Declarations via QRCode

SWe are the only company that provides all the support your company needs to issue Preferential Certificates of Origin! We provide loading via XML, API, and create the connection to your database for free.

Reasons to use COMEFEX - Certificate of Origin

We have the best team for the development of certificates of origin, bringing to customers the best in technology.

  • 01 Use of Artificial Intelligence for approval of Certificates of Origin

    The Certificate of Origin is a document that certifies the country of origin of the goods and is used for tax reduction or exemption in the country of destination of the goods. This document is provided by the exporter or customs broker at ACITEC.

  • For the security of the issue of certificates of origin, we use QRCode as an additional element in the certificates, containing an encrypted link for viewing the certificate, ensuring the security of the issue and avoiding forgery.

  • We have several forms of automatic loads, either via XML, or API (ask our sales team), and as we are always accepting suggestions and new requests, we can create specific patterns for companies that are partners of COMEFEX.


Technology Used at COMEFEX

We have the best technology to create the certificate of origin using all security standards

Cloud Server 100%
API Connection 100%
XML Import 100%
Humanized Support100%


Learn how COMEFEX can help your company gain competitiveness and break into new markets.

Preferential Certificate of Origin

The Preferential Certificate of Origin attests to the origin and guarantees a reduction or exemption from import duty of the exported goods, by complying with the rules of origin established in trade agreements.

Digital Preferential Certificate of Origin (COD)

It is the fastest and safest option for issuing a certificate of origin, because it occurs in a 100% digital format. It is currently accepted in operations between Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Certificate of Non-Preferential Origin

The Certificate of Non-Preferential Origin, or Certificate of Common Origin as it is popularly called, is a customs document that certifies the origin of the goods, but does not grant tariff benefits because it is not bound to the rules of origin of trade agreements between Brazil and the importing country.

Declaration of Free Sale

Is document has the objective of proving that the product to be exported meets the requirements to be commercialized in Brazil, besides facilitating the registration of the goods in the destination country.

Validate your Document!

Every Declaration or Certificate of Origin whether preferential or non-preferential will have an approved number in our system as an additional security element.

Document Number

Validate your Process!

Every Certificate that contains ACITEC's validation seal can verify its veracity by entering the number and password beside.




We have listed below the main doubts about Certificates of Origin, what they are for and their use. If you have more questions, just contact us!

  • What is Certificate of Origin?

    The Certificate of Origin is a document that certifies the country of origin of the goods and is used for tax reduction or exemption in the country of destination of the goods. This document is provided by the exporter or customs broker at ACITEC.

  • The direct beneficiary is the importer who will be entitled to a reduction or exemption in import duty. In certain situations the certificate is required to meet the issue of import quota per product/country, most favored nation treatment, antidumping and countervailing duties, safeguards, origin marking requirements, quantitative discriminatory restrictions, statistics and public sector purchases, among others. The exporter will benefit indirectly, because the certificate of origin will bring more competitiveness and security to exports.

  • For the exporter to issue the certificates of origin, it is necessary to present the Commercial Invoice and the Declaration of Production Process.

  • In order for the exporter to issue the common certificates of origin, it is necessary that he presents only the Commercial Invoice.

  • When the Brazilian exporter chooses to use the certification of origin, he will make his product more competitive in relation to other countries. Besides this, it has some advantages, such as: Special customs treatment Possibility to certify the origin of the goods Reduction of trade taxes The most significant trade advantage with the issuance of the certificate of origin is the reduction of import tax, which can sometimes reach 100%.


Public Service Office:

R. Presidente Faria, 51, Curitiba - PR

Cell phone (Whatsapp):

+55 41 9 9735 3100